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Orgo East Blogs RSS Feed

02 Aug Why bamboo products will conquer the world one day !
admin 751 8923
Often when we talk about development it should come in a beneficial way which would change the standard of our livings. Such development also emergence to use species of grass that has been around ..
02 Aug Why are handmade planters on super hype now?
admin 68 4858
Ever since the coronavirus lockdowns hit us. More people adopted a keen interest in gardening, be it indoor or outdoor during self-quarantines. Another hobby that people picked up is home decor. An..
12 Feb Daily Running Basketry
admin 17 3139
We all know how craft plays an important role in everyday life of Northeastern people. One of the great examples is the basketry of Nagaland. The tribes of Nagaland are known for their magnificent s..
02 Jul Secrets to Lakadong Turmeric that you must know
prakhar 5 2022
Lakadong Turmeric or 'U Chyrmit Lakadong' is a special spice that hails from the North-Eastern state of Meghalaya. The name of this variety comes from its area of origin - the Lakadong valley area in ..
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